Building Developmental Relationships From a Distance
Search Institute’s research is demonstrating that when young people experience developmental relationships with parents, educators, youth program staff, and other adults their outcomes are better, their risk behaviors are lower, and they are more likely to be on the path to thrive in life. Staff in schools and youth programs do not need to and should not stop seeking to build developmental relationships with young people while they are not with you. Every time you take one of the relationship-building steps below, place a check next to it and know that you have made a valuable contribution to helping young people be and become their best selves. ( Search Institute)
Talking With Teens About Healthy Relationships
Youth, primarily teens, use technology for all types of relationships, including romantic, and often spend a lot of time messaging or texting. Find advice and tips about healthy relationships and and the age of consent for sexual activity. (Protect Kids Online)
Healthy Personal Boundaries Online Start Offline
Teach your children how to be aware of others' behaviour, starting with our everyday life offline. Get insight on when to introduce personal boundaries with children. (Protect Kids Online)
Age of Consent: Young People, Sex, and the Law
The resource details what youth on Prince Edward Island need to know about consent and the law (Community Legal Information)
Active Parenting
Women's Network PEI has information available on Active Parenting, which was programming it had previously offered to support parents and caregivers of teens so they can actively help their children develop healthy relationships, and support their critical-thinking, and problem-solving and communication skills development (Women's Network PEI).
Healthy Dating Relationships Guide
PREVNet has a number of resources on healthy relationships, including its guide on healthy dating relationships. (PREVNet)
Healthy Relationships
Various resources, articles, and tips sheets on healthy relationships, including unhealthy online relationships (Canadian Women's Foundation)
Student Well-Being Teams
Student well-being teams work in PEI schools advising, consulting, and provide service to children and youth struggling with mental, social, and physical health issues (Department of Education and Lifelong Learning)